Direct-fired furnaces are applied to heat the product (oil emulsion, oil, high-temperature organic coolant, gas, and other media). In these furnaces, the product is heated by heat transfer directly from combustion products the heating of the outer wall of the coil.

Heaters with an intermediate coolant are designed for safe heating of viscous oil emulsions, oil (with high paraffin content), gas, gas condensate, and process water at oil fields and processing plant to 70 - 80 °С.
Flare units are designed for high-efficiency and high-quality combustion of periodic, permanent, and emergency discharges of combustible gases at oil and gas field treatment facilities in oil and gas fields, as well as oil, gas, and petrochemical industry enterprises.

Equipment listed in this section is used for distribution and treatment of natural and associated petroleum gas to the required parameters.
This section contains information on comprehensive process complexes used in oil and gas production fields: oil treatment units UPN, preliminary water discharge units UPSV, pipe end phase dividers KDFT, and others.

Water treatment is carried out to bring its quality in accordance with the requirements of process consumers. This section contains information on water treatment plants and wastewater treatment facilities.
A complex of devices used for steam and hot water generation. Boiler plants are used for heating and production purposes.